How do I place an order and pay Cash on Delivery (COD)?

Create an account on our website.
Login Link: https://bakecarry.com/account/login 
Once all items you wish to purchase have been added to your cart, follow the steps below to pay with Cash on delivery:

  1. Click "Proceed to Checkout".
  2. Fill in the “Contact Information". Click "Continue to Shipping Method".
  3. Fill in the “Billing Information" and "Shipping Method" forms.
  4. In the Payment Information form, “Cash on Delivery” will be selected by default.
  5. To confirm your order click on “Complete Order”, note your Order Number which will be provided to you at the "Thank You" page.
  6. Your package will be delivered before or on the expected delivery date/time slot.

Note: account creation is not compulsory to place the order.

Can I know what the status of my order is?

Yes. Click on the “Orders status" section in "YOUR ACCOUNT" and you will be able to track your order in real time.

What payment method can I use to make my purchase?

We offer the following payment methods:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Cash on delivery

What are the delivery charges?

All orders for or above PKR 999 will be delivered for free. If you choose to try out only a couple of our fresh breads and your cart total is less than PKR 999, we will still deliver to your location but for a very nominal fee of PKR 99 (that's reasonable, right?).